There is no one more inclined and knowledgeable on where company profits are going than employees of the corporation. These “insiders” are having a bearish look on the stock market. In the past three decades there have been only 2 times such pessimism occurred:
- Beginning of 2007
- Beginning of 2011
Are you asking what is so special about these years? 2007 is obvious because it was the start of the mortgage crisis with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. 2008 was the year of catastrophe with corporations pocketing “easy money” from TARP. This was the caffeine rush of Bush’ spending spree since 9/11. And we are still in the spiral of overspending 7 years later with Obama in office. In 2011, this is before the 20 percent or more decline in stock values. After the major decline, stocks went riding a huge tidal wave of increased stock prices.
When stock market goes down, we all know we should head to Treasuries. But, what about investing in bullion and paper gold? Goldman Sachs stated that gold is expected to be around $ 1,050 an ounce by end of the year. This is over $ 150 below the cost of mining the shiny metal. Why should we dig it when it is costing us more than its market worth?
Everyday ordinary citizens are up for a big surprise when Goldman Sachs, Societe General, and other investment banks force the price of gold to go down. Then the little people will be selling their gold and common stocks because both are heading down. This is not intellect; it is just plain fear. emotions is how you lose money on Wall Street. believe me, it has happened to me a few times in derivatives trading. When you get excitement and emotional, SIT ON YOUR HANDS!
How to make money in the bear market? Invest on the downtrend, instead of your usual looking at the uptrend. There are not just bulls; there are also bears. Both make money while the pigs get slaughtered and the sheep get fleeced. Stop following everyone like a sheep and start doing your homework. Everything in life takes hard work to make it successful. Keep learning and asking questions.
To Your Health…
To your Wealth…
To Your Wisdom.